CARROT (Gaajar)
Carrot is a very popular vegetable in the Indian cuisine, both raw as well as cooked. Besides containing iron, calcium and phosphorus, carrots contain appreciable amounts of beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. These carotenids have been linked to the prevention of certain types of cancer, particularly lung cancer. Carrots are rich in fibre. A high fibre does not only help in lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels but also helps in preventing cancer of the intestine especially the large intestine.The best way to absorb nutrients from carrots is to eat them raw. If cooked, quite a bit of the nutrients are lost. If stored at very low temperatures (frozen), carrots retain their nutritive value even till 5 or 6 months.
Benefits as a Medicine-
- A cup of carrot juice taken daily improves theeyesight and prevents cataract.
- Many children have lower jaws that areunderdeveloped. This deformity is usually the resultof calcium deficiency in the child’s early growth.It is good for a child to have a raw carrot with each meal. The teeth of children straighten out and the lower jaw develops in a year, when they are given a carrot to chew on before each meal.
- 2 to 3 raw carrots taken daily in the diet help in allcases of constipation, worm infestations and reducethe blood cholesterol.
- Carrot soup and/or fresh juice is excellent for thetreatment of infantile diarrhoea, even in newborns,premature infants, and in all children sufferingfrom acute colitis or diarrhoea. It also helps theadults with acute diarrhoea, and all intestinal/colondisorders. Carrot soup also prevents dehydration.
- Carrots along with their leaves, eaten regularly inany form, aid in the treatment and/or preventionof gout and all forms of arthritis, skin disorders,hair loss and cancers.
- Carrot juice with a little honey is highly effectivein all sorts of fevers, general debility, nervousdisorders, anaemia, lassitude, low vitality, and rundown conditions.
- A poultice of boiled carrots heals sores on any partof the body.
- Carrot juice applied on the burns helps them toheal faster.
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