Posture Exercises for Facial Rejuvenation
Posture Exercises for Facial  Rejuvenation
Give your face a new look by doing these posture exercises.


This exercise is perfect for everyone! We do this exercise in the morning, on our way from the bedroom to the bathroom. And what is important, if you have any serious problems with the spine, then, first consult your doctor!
Since the beginning of the Marathon, we no longer just walk past the doorway, to hang in it is a must. This is the best exercise for straightening the back and shoulder blades, that's it. Stay in the doorway and hang for 30 seconds, as easy as it sounds, and it will not take long to see the result.

There should be no painful sensations. It is important that the body is stretched bar-taut, don't tilt either your hips or your head, the stomach is gathered. Our goal is to create tension between the shoulder blades (watch the video carefully). You can repeat this 3 times 30 seconds each (if you are in a hurry, just 1 rep will do it). But after each session make sure to stretch out (follow the technique in the video). It is better to be standing barefoot on the floor so that it is not slippery, and you do not accidentally slide. Your hands can get numb, this is normal. Soon you will get used to this exercise and you will start enjoying it!

  1. The feet are at the door frame level.
  2. You can be standing on your toes or your entire sole (this way the calf muscle is stretching).
  3. Focus all our attention on the shoulder blades.
  4. After this stretching is a must, knees are slightly bent, you should hug yourself, bent over, and stay in this position for 5 seconds.
  5. The whole body is stretched bar-taut.
  6. Do the sagging every day, for 30 seconds exactly; watch the time or start counting 101, 102, and so on until 130, which is approximately 30 seconds.

2- 100Jumps

Our main goal is to wake. As you understand, we do this exercise in the morning, before we eat or drink anything.
We activate all metabolic processes. Blood circulation improves, the lymphatic system wakes up, lymph flow intensifies (it may have diuretic action, that's okay), your metabolism increases. You may want to have a meal after this exercise, so enjoy! The point of bouncing is to cause the vibration of the body (watch the video). Highly important! Support your breasts with your hands! The knees are slightly bent, feet are straight. Do not jump too high.

If you have excess weight, knee joints problems, visceroptosis, so that you cannot jump, then do the following. Stand on your toes on the floor and bounce with your heels, lifting them literally just a couple of centimeters up, which causes vibration. Knees are also slightly bent. This does not mean that you should hit the heels against the floor; in any case, we want to be careful with the heels! No pain! Soft vibration. You can do a little warm-up before you start. Calves are tense, cheeks are shaking, ear buzzing, all of it is okay while jumping. But still, listen to your body and feelings.

3. Stretching the Armpits

We continue to work on our posture, shoulders, and neck.
Stretching the armpits is aimed at lowering the shoulders and resetting them.
Listen to your body, as you’re doing this exercise (watch the video carefully, follow the technique).
It is important to repeat it every day. You can repeat it at any time of the day regardless of your location because it is very easy to do.
For example, while watching your favorite TV show – stand by the wall and stretch! When tired of household chores stand by the wall and stretch the armpits to relax the back. We want to use our time profitably.


The distance from the wall is 20-30 cm (8-10 inches), you can adjust it according to your sensations.
Place your elbow at the highest limit with no pain.
We need to feel the tension exactly in the armpit, and stretch it vertically, along the wall.
Keep stretching for 30 sec, you can swing a little but without any pain.
Keep your head straight and don't bend the lower back.
Repeat for the other armpit.
If you feel that the distance of 20-30 cm is uncomfortable for you, come closer, but do not forget that stretching in the armpit should be felt throughout the whole exercise.
You can twist your back or turn your hand aside, try any movements to intensify the stretching in the armpit area.

*Watch every video only with sound on! All exercises should be done at least once unless I mention that you need to repeat them 3 times.


Important! We do exercises for the neck, shoulders, and posture while standing up straight. The option of sitting is also possible, but standing is better. You can do these exercises at any time convenient for you.

* Do all the exercises starting from the first one.

* At least 1 repetition per day, the rest is optional.
* Do all the exercises either at once or partially throughout the day. The main thing is to DO them all.

4. Elbow behind the head

Now we are going to focus on our shoulders, our goal is to relax and lower them. The exercise is very simple but highly effective, so leave all prejudices and do it. This will easily relieve all tension in the neck, shoulders, and armpits.
Focus on the shoulders. You may experience new sensations in them, the shoulders may feel like they’re burning, it is okay. There should be no pain, neither in this nor in any other exercises. If something feels wrong, it is better to skip the exercise! Remember: always listen to your body!
Do the exercise at least once, in the morning. Watch the video carefully with the sound on!


  1. Do the exercise for both sides (right and left elbows).
  2. The elbow is behind the head, the wrist is lowered on the shoulder blade, it is stroking the spine top-down. Each time you are doing the exercise, the wrist will go down deeper and deeper, and that is great.
  3. We’re grabbing the elbow with our other hand and pushing it, our goal is that the hand (the one behind the back) goes down along the spine.
  4. We’re pressing on the elbow as deeply as it’s comfortable and holding it for 30 seconds.
  5. Gently and slowly, we’re returning our hand back to its place over the head.

* Do all the exercises starting from the first one.
* At least 1 repetition per day, the rest is optional.
* Do all the exercises either at once or partially throughout the day. The main thing is to DO them all.





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