Benefits of cabbage
CABBAGE (Patta Gobhi)
Cabbage is one of the healthiest vegetables. Cabbage is alkaline in reaction, high in cellulose or roughage, and has a very low calorie content. It stabilizes chemical reactions in the body. It is excellent as a vitalizing agent, and a blood purifier.Cabbage contains many minerals: it is rich in calcium and potassium, and contains iodine, phosphorus, sodium, and sulphur.It is an excellent source of vitamins A, B and C.
Benefits As a Medicine-
- It is prescribed in cases of afternoon headaches,listlessness, depression, palpitation, neuralgia,bronchitis and jaundice.
- The use of cabbage juice for treatment of stomachulcers is one of the latest and most vital advancesin the field of juice therapy.
- It is also used in the treatment of colon cancer. Thejuice inhibits the growth of tumours and heals theinflammation of the colon and stomach.
- Applying cabbage paste helps eczema and otherskin infections to clear.
- Cabbage is therapeutically effective in conditions ofscurvy, goitre, diseases of the eyes, gout, rheumatismand pyorrhoea.
- Cabbage is very effective in helping overcomeconstipation.
- Cabbage is considered one of the best foods forkeeping a clean, clear complexion.
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