10 Foods to improve your Thyroid Functioning
10  Foods to improve your Thyroid Functioning
Thyroid gland plays a major role in metabolism, growth and development of the human body.
Underactive Thyroid/Hypothyroid is when the TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) is more than 2.

10 magical foods to improve Thyroid Functioning are :- 

1 - Ginger ( Stabilizes Thyroid gland and reduces symptoms of Hypothyroidism)

Best time to have ginger tea is post lunch.

2 - Brazil Nuts ( Rich in Selenium, improves thyroid  functioning)

Have 1 overnight soaked brazil nut early morning.

3 - Iodized Salt - ( Helps in Thyroid functioning).

Cook atleast 2 meals in Iodized salt.

4 - Vitamin D ( Improves production of Thyroid stimulating hormone)

Get Sun exposure 10-15 mins daily.

5- Black Cumin Seeds (Improves TPO antibody and balances TSH)

Best way to have cumin seeds is to add them in parathas, vegetables etc.

6 - Coriander Seed Water -( Heals Thyroid and regulates Thyroid Gland functioning)

Have coriander seeds tea early morning.

7 - Ashwagandha - (Reduces cortisol level and balances Thyroid)

Have Ashwagandha tea post dinner.

Recipe to prepare Ashwagandha tea :-

Take 1 cup glass water and add 1/4th tsp ashwagandha , boil and reduce to half. Now enjoy this tea with a smile.

8 - Sunflower Seeds ( Promotes Selenium in the body improving Thyroid functioning)

Top your fruits with 1 tsp Sunflower seeds.

9 -  Iron Rich Foods (Essential for Thyroid hormone metabolism)

Include green leafy vegetables, munakka and dates in your diet.

10 - Omega 3 Fatty Acid ( Reduces inflammation in the Thyroid gland)

Include walnuts and flax seeds in your diet.





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