Selecting the right credit card can be a tough task. We're all searching for that "perfect credit card" which offers high rewards, cashback, insurance benefits, and those delightful extras like access to airport lounges, railway lounges, and golf rounds or lessons. We wish to have all these perks without any charges, but expecting such an ideal card is unrealistic. Credit card issuers can't afford to provide such generous benefits without some fee.
Instead, credit card companies offer a range of cards with benefits suited to different spending habits. Since everyone has unique preferences and spending patterns, there isn't a single credit card that's perfect for everyone. To help meet diverse needs, we've put together a list of the best credit cards available in India. Our top 15 picks cover various spending categories, whether you're looking for a budget-friendly card, a premium option, a lifetime free card, or one with moderate fees. There are also options for those who prioritize online shopping or fuel.
Our list showcases the finest credit cards in India. If you're considering applying for a credit card or can't decide which one to choose, our compilation will be highly beneficial for you.
Credit Card | Pts | Benefits and Drawbacks | Charges |
American Express Rewards Card
Welcome pts - 4000 Value of 1 Pt Rs 0.3 if 18k pts Otherwise Rs 0.25
Rs 100 Spent = 2 pts |
Benefits - Get 1000 pts for 4 x Rs 1500+ transactions Get 1000 pts if Rs 20,000 spent in a month Drawbacks - Pts not applicable on Fuel, insurance, utilities, POS EMI & Cash transactions |
1st Year - Rs 1000 2nd Year - Rs 4500 50% waived off if you spend Rs 90000 to Rs 1.5 Lakh) |
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