What are the health benefits of various dry fruits?
What are the health benefits of various dry fruits?
Here are the benefits of various dry fruits


It facilitates digestion. It contains dietary fibre that helps in lowering harmful cholesterol level.

It has iron which helps in creation of red blood cells and prevent anaemia.

It has calcium which help in strengthening of bones and prevent osteoporosis.

It has antioxidants which help in prevention of heart disease and cancer.


It has magnesium, copper and manganese which helps in brain function, bone health and immune system. 

It has antioxidants which help in preventing disease. 

It increase good cholesterol.

High salt and oil content in cashews can be reduced by roasting it.


Keeping almonds soaked overnight and comnsuming it in the morning can improve the cognitive performance.

It has Vitamin E which helps elderly people in memory. It lowers risk of developing dementia.

It prevents development of plaque in arteries.

It has magnesium which helps in controlling blood sugar levels.

It has fibre which helps in reducing weight.


It has antioxidants which helps in keeping your skin healthy.

Walnuts have fatty acids which help in lowering risk of heart disease.

They help in developing good bacteria for gut this keeping it healthy.

It has Vitamin E which helps in boosting your brain function. 

Excess walnuts can upset the stomach.

Dried Dates

It has polyphenols which help in better digestion and prevention of cancer.

It can naturally induce labour which helps expecting mothers.


Pistachios have anti inflammatory and antioxidants properties which is good for health.

They have sodium therefore it should be taken in limited quantity.



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