What is TheBetterAdvice.com ?
What is TheBetterAdvice.com ?
A platform for a better advice which may be helpful to anyone.

What is TheBetterAdvcie.com?

The Better Advice is an initiative for providing the best advice for public use. Here users can register and write articles on various fields they are good at or have experience in a particular field like daily life, health, technology, finance etc.

For example someone who is a doctor can contribute articles related to health,  a CA can contribute articles as to how to save taxes, an engineer can suggest ways to save electricity, water etc.

Who can give advice on this platfrom?

People from various walks of life can come forward and render their valuable advice. Your experience might help someone in need.

What kind of advice can be given on this platform?

You can advice people on day to day aspects like finances, food, exercise, taxe saving, benefits of a particular thing etc.

Can you post You Tube videos on this platform?

Of course Yes! You can  post YouTube videos which has an exceptional advice.

What kind of content is not allowed on this platform?

Anything against any country, government, community, religion, sentiment etc is strictly prohibited. All posts are verified by The Better Advice team before being live on the platform.

Register today and you can help someone with your experience. Thank you and start your journey.



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