Which is the world's best platform to read magazines, newspapers and journals?
Which is the world's best platform to read magazines, newspapers and journals?
Here are a few interesting details about the World's largest digital news stand.

What is Magzter?

Magzter is a cross-platform, self-service, global digital magazine newsstand with over 8,000 magazines from 3,400+ publishers. Girish Ramdas and Vijayakumar Radhakrishnan founded Magzter in 2011. The Company is headquartered in New York.

What kind of magazines are available in Magzter?

It covers all premium magazines available around World. The various magazine categories available in Magzter are -

  • Newspapers - Hindustan Times, Business Standard, Mint, Financial Express etc
  • News - India Today, The Week, Open, Time, News Week, The New Yorker, Geo Politics, India Strategic etc.
  • Architecture - Home Design, AD Architectural Digest, Home Design, Commercial Design, The Designer, Family Interiors etc
  • Art - Wallpaper, Art Review, Asian Photography, International Gallerie, Design India, Art Soul Life etc.
  • Automotive - Overdrive, Autocar India, Autocar UK, Car India, Bike India Top Gear etc.
  • Business - Forbes, Entrepreneur, Business Today, Business India, Bloomsberg Business Week, Business Traveller etc.
  • Children -Tinkle, Tinkle Digest, Champak, Time Kids etc.
  • Computer & Mobile - MacFormat, PC World, Mac World, Maximum PC, Open Source for You etc.
  • Defence - SP's Land Forces, SP's Naval Forces, SP's Air Forces, Geo Politics, India Strategic etc
  • Education - Pratiyogita Darpan, iNext IAS Current Affairs, BBC History, How it Works etc.
  • Entertainment - Filmfare, Femina, Provoke, People US etc.
  • Fashion - Cosmopolitan India, Cosmopiltan US, Vogue US, Vogue India, Bazaar India, Elle India, Elle Singapore, Grazia India, Marie Claire etc.
  • Food & Beverages - Woolworths Taste, Taste of Home, Food Network Magazine, Bon Apetite, Epicure, Gourmet Traveller etc.
  • Health - Women's Fitness, Men's Health, Women's Health, Runners World, Global Spa, Yoga and Total Health etc.
  • Home - Elle Decor India, Living etc India, Good Homes India, Good House Keeping US, Ideal Home UK, Homes and Gardens, Country Home and Interiors etc.
  • Investment - Investors India, Money Magazine, Wealth Insight, Personal Finance, Mutual Fund Insight, Dalal Street Journal etc.
  • Lifestyle - GQ, Bazaar, Elle, Grazia, Exhibit, FHM India, Reader's Digest, GQ US, National Geographic Traveller etc
  • Men's Interest - GQ India, Augustman, Men's Health, Muscular Development etc.
  • Men's Magazine - Playboy, Maxim, Modelz View etc
  • Photography - Smart Photography, Better Photography, Photo Plus, Lens Magazine, Asian Photography etc.
  • Science - National Geographic, Scientific India, BBC Science Focus, Popular Mechanics, BBC Wildlife, Biology Today etc.
  • Sports - Cricket Today, Runners World, Golf Today, Golf Digest Middle East, Mountain Biking UK, Cycling Plus UK, Auto Sport, Auto Track etc
  • Travel - Travel + Leisure, National Geographic Traveller, Business Traveller, Food and Wine etc.
  • Technology  - T3 India, Technology for You, PC Quest, Stuff, Wired etc.
  • Women's Interest - Women's Era, Women's Weekly, Woman and Home, The Oprah US etc.

What all devices can be used to access the Magzter platform?

Magzter can be accessed from various platforms like -

  • PCs (web browser and Windows app)
  • Tabs (iPad and Window)
  • Mobiles (iOS or Android)

How many devices are supported on a single subscription?

Well it can support upto five deivces with a single account

Do Magzter provide physical copies as well ?

Magzter sells only digital copies and not physical print copies. If you want print copies or print subscriptions please contact the publisher or your local magazine vendor or bookstore.

What are the advantages of Magzter subscription?

Here are the benefits of having a Magzter Gold Subscription.

  • It's among the most well-known magazine subscriptions on the planet with approx 1 million visitors monthly.
  • If you're somebody who buys even 1-2 magazines each week, you're wasting your cash at the shop. You have to stop right now and receive a subscription for this program.
  • Once subscribed you will have heaps of magazines lying about. You will also be able to store posts and saving tens of thousands of dollars each year by saving on additional subscriptions.
  • You may read magazines everywhere anytime on any computer, android and ios phones. And you can read even offline if you download the magazine. Magzter is just amazing.
  • It's simple to read what interests readers and bypassing different products. Committed access to headlines although access to detailed posts is restricted to readers.

Is there any limit on how many times a magazine or newspaper can be read ?

There are no time limitations once you have purchased a magazine on Magzter and you can read your magazines any number of times only on upto 5 different devices.

What are the various plans for subscribing magzter?

Magzter Gold - Magzter recently launched a subscription model called Magzter Gold, Magzter Gold gives you unlimited reading of thousands of magazines from all over the world for just one low price.

How can we subscribe to the plans?

Click Here to Subscribe

A look at the Magzter Dashboard

A look at the Magzter Dashboard



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