What are the benefits of vegetables ?
What are the benefits of vegetables ?
Here are the benefits of various vegetables.

AMARANTH (Chaulai)

Amaranth is the most common leafy vegetable grown during the summer in India. The leaves and tender stems are rich in vitamins A, B and C. Amaranth contains minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iron, potassium and sulphur in appreciable amounts.

Benefits As a Medicine:

  • The juice of amaranth leaves is effective in resolving cataract.
  • Boiled leaves taken regularly can cure nightblindness.


Bitter gourd is a unique vegetable in the sense, that it is coveted by many because of its bitter taste.It is a very nutritious vegetable, the smaller the size, the more nutrients it seems to contain. It is an excellent source of vitamin C and contains most of the B complex vitamins, and vitamin A (in the form of carotene) too. It also has calcium, phosphorus, potassium and iron in appreciable amounts.

Benefits As a Medicine:

  • The bitter principle of karela is found in all the parts of the plant, and is considered to be wormicidaland generally good for stomach disorders.
  • In the autumn and spring seasons, boiled bitter gourd should be eaten as a preventive against chicken pox and measles.
  • For disorders of spleen and liver, bitter gourd extract is considered beneficial.
  • For diabetes, a mixture of equal quantities of amla juice and bitter gourd juice taken every morning show a reduction in blood glucose levels.
  • The leaves are said to increase the milk production in lactating mothers.
  • For bleeding piles and intestinal worms, juice extracted from bitter gourd leaves mixed with buttermilk is prescribed.
  • Dried and powdered bitter gourd leaves are applied locally on burns, boils and other skin eruptions.

BEETROOT (Chukandar)

This fleshy root vegetable is popular as a salad item. It is rich in iron, potassium, calcium and vitamins A and C. Beets are not only good for the eliminative system, but also benefit the digestive and lymphatic systems. They offer an excellent remedy for anaemia, general debility, low vitality, lassitude and nervous debility.They may be eaten raw or taken in the form of juice.

Benefits As a Medicine-

  • Beet juice is one of the most valuable juices for the liver and gall bladder.
  • The root is rich in iron and helps in the generation of red blood cells in anaemia.
  • Raw beetroot is prescribed in cancer as it has a tumour-inhibiting component.

BRINJAL (Baigan)

Brinjal or egg plant is available in plenty when other fresh vegetables are scarce.Brinjals contain higher amounts of vitamin B than other vegetables. Dark purple coloured brinjals have a good vitamin C content–better than the light coloured ones. All brinjals are rich in minerals, especially magnesium and potassium, good for muscle tone and strength.

Benefits As a Medicine-

  • The roots of this plant are known to be antiasthmatic.
  • The leaves have narcotic property, forming a basefor many medicines.
  • Both the leaves and the fruit of brinjal are reported to produce a marked drop in the blood cholesterol levels.
  • Brinjal juice is found to be an effective remedy for toothache.


It is extensively grown in India. The fruits in the green stage are used as vegetables and also for preparation of some sweets. The hard shell of the fruit has many uses. They are used as water jugs, domestic utensils, making musical instruments, floats for fishing nets and many other purposes. Bottle gourd contains vitamins A, B and C, iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulphur and fibre.

Benefits As a Medicine-

  • The pulp and the young stem and leaves have many medicinal values. Their extract is used to relieve ear ache and the pulp used as poultice on the eyes relieves eyestrain and pain.
  • The bitter fruits are poisonous and are used as astrong purgative.



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